Saturday, 27 June 2009

Che belllaaa

Here again. Minna came on Monday evening. Two hours late – because the plane, the luggage and also the train were late. Huh, solo in Italia! Then, we went out for a little snack. While eating, it started to rain. This was the first time that I actually see a drop of rain here. Few glasses of wine and some good company - what else an evening needs?

Tuesday 23th of June was then a tourist day. San Pietro, Vatican, Castel Saint d’Angelo, Spagna, Fontana di Trevi, Pantheon and Piazza Navona – some of the places I saw for the first time. For example, would it be stupid not to go inside the church of San Pietro? I live in the neighborhood! Anyway, now I’ve seen it and I have to say – WOW! Totally worth of visiting. A little siesta before fiesta, as someone said to me. And to Trastevere for a little walk. We had some drinks, good time – just relaxing.

Wednesday 24th of June was then another tourist day around the city. We visited Piazza Venezia and places around it, then Colosseum and San Giovanni. In the evening we started to take first cocktails pretty early and ended up in a very bad shape. Trastevere with a punch of my new Roman friends, we had so much fun! What a crazy, wild night!!

The morning on Thursday 25th I had one of the worst hang-over for a long time! We girls went to Villa Borghese to sunbathe for the afternoon, afterwards I was so tired! Somewhere around 8pm I got a message from Massimo and of course, we had to get out of the house again, met the guys and girls in Trastevere later. The plan was not to party very much because that’s what we did even too much the night before. In the end we found ourselves in La Maison, a night club by Tevere next to Castel S. Angelo. It was hot inside, but I loved it.

la maison

Yesterday Friday 26th of June it was just some relaxing, way too many parties lately! M did some shopping; I stayed at home, tried to deal with my head. In the evening we cooked some pasta, before leaving to Colosseo. Met Massimo at Circo Massimo and waited everyone else a looooong time! Finally got in to the club at 1am, then it was really a parrrrty! We danced a lot, many hours by the pool - cool. Because there was no place to sit, my shoes were killing me around 4am when we left the club. Massimo and Giuseppe took us home and they were available to come in to cook some pasta. Ok, we made Anna wake up and she was freaking angry. So we stopped cooking and continued just drinking wine. It was some good wine, in silence. Hah!

maria minna satu manuela

God, today SATUrday the 27th has been a boring day, sleeping and recovering from last night. Rest of the weekend should be a lot of fun; more some night life, sunbathing and good company. This week has been and still is really a holiday – My Roman Holiday!



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