Thursday 16 September 2010

Hallo Deutschland! And the World.

My very first time in Germany, first stop in Bremen. Flew here this morning, such a nice sunny autumn day. I'm so in love but weather nor changing the country are NOT the main reasons. This is how I felt today at 11 am:

'The excitement of a new place. Here I am, standing in front of the airport terminal of Bremen. So many questions running in my head. What does the city centre look like? Is Livio still as handsome as few weeks ago? What kind of car does he have? What will happen during next four days? Fact is, no one knows. Yet. This waiting part creates such a funny feeling in your stomach - hopes and wishes of the time of your life!'

Never any easier, never get used to the feeling. In the end, everything went so different that I was wondering at 11 am: city looks exactly what I thought, Livio didn't come by car and yes, he's still very good-looking boy. The second you fly, you feel you're living. I recommend. This is the part I really AM flying. But remember, FLY SAFE PEOPLE!

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