Thursday, 25 February 2010

T-ouring Coffee-landia

How small is this world? And Finland, the coffee country?! I visited Tampere two days ago, went there just to meet friends and see what's going on right now. proAcademy (same place than Team Academy here in Jyväskylä) was about to move to another building, lost of things happening around. In the new building, there will be HUB Tampere, Demola, Protomo, Creative Tampere as well as proAcademy situated in. Huge house full of the most interactive, creative and co-operating people together! I wish there was the same also here in JKL, though.. going there!

Today I came to Team Academy in the morning and first person coming to say hello was my old friend from Basque Country! Crazy how small this Earth is! Well, now we're chilling on sofa and listening some latest electronica/alternative with Liher, Henna and my lovely sister Laura. Didn't plan this in the morning really..

Tomorrow I'm then leaving for another city in Finland, to have an evening coffee up north in Oulu with a guy who's organizing hip hop events in northern Finland. Waiting. While, I'll enjoy my new love, sun of up-coming spring!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Booked flights.. again!

Well, nobody's gonna get surprised.. arrivo ancora in Italia!

I just booked flights to Rome, like never been there before.. Hah! I made a plan to meet my lovely friends there for a long time and then continue to travel around the southern parts of this summer country. At least Napoli, Amalfi and Sicily.. pretty coast waiting for me!

Ci vediamo presto!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

World comes to You!

Yesterday evening after coming back home from Kuopio, I wanted to go out more than in a loooong time. I freshed up a bit and started the round at Passion, and whateverworks! Such an average party, I got bored. One friend of mine from Basque Country sent a message then, they had gone to a club Freetime to continue her birthday party. I've never been at this new club before, so I definitely wanted some change to this super normal night.

At Freetime I experienced a feeling that I always get in southern Europe. The club was full of Erasmus students, having the time of their lives. I danced a lot, met soo many new personalities, spoke different languages. That group of people felt a big family, we were all the same even though from different countries and cultures.

Today I watched one of my favourite movies of all time with my room mate, 'L'auberge espagnole', a story of a French guy who leaves for Barcelone for an Erasmus year. I thought I realize what they are going through, I was two months in Rome hello! But still it's not the same. I didn't have that kind of community around me, one that I really belong to.

Last night I felt this feeling, even though I'm not part of Erasmus. Thank you all lovely girls and boys for bringing the world to me here in this cold little city in central Finland!

Friday, 5 February 2010


Helsinki. A city that most likely doesn't sleep in Finland. Hip hop rhythms and the coolest crowd. Right? Dunno about that. But I definitely was excited the morning of 24th of January 2010.

The morning of my very first hip hop competition. We had prepared a showcase with 6 other girls, and took a part of Nordic Moves 2010 -competition in Helsinki. I had the best time and really enjoyed on stage, as you can see in the pic. Wow, whatta day!

And evening! There was a showcase night, the best of the industry in the world showed how Nordic SHOULD move.. Can't even describe their moves!


Kuopio. A city up north from Jyväskylä. I've been only once in the centrum before, so kinda cool to be here again.. I arrived here with my sister and parents in the evening, staying at one family we've known our whole lives. Makes me remember summers of my childhood..

The reason why we're here is, that my sister will have a dance competition in the morning. After hip hop and battle field I decided to come and see some glitter and glamour, ballroom and latin for a change. That's exactly what I've been dancing 12 years before changing the style over a year ago. Miss to see all the people on that scene..

Now a short beauty sleep before showing again what us sisters really got!