Wednesday, 27 May 2009

GNT race, 2SD ride

This day was amazing!! Ok, well I woke up at 4 am, took a shower, straigthened my hair and ran to the train. We, 8 hotties packed into two cars and left Helsinki 6.30 am then, freaking early huh? It took 2,5 hours to drive to Alastaro, which was the race place.

Ok. So here's some backround.. There was this privite event for customers and they had a race in teams. Every team had 4 members and every member had to drive at least one round. The race was two hours and god, we had a competition going on! Sooo much fun and laugh. And ye, my job was to cheer the team up!

Then, I had one experience I will never forget. The guys of Logitech offered me a chance and I couldn't refuse to take it. I took a ride with 2 seated DRAGSTER! Wow, what a speed I can tell! First from 0 to 100 km/h in 1,1 second, then to 260 km/h in next 2 seconds and after that the driver started to slow down already. Fast but totally breath-taking. In a way I thought it would be even faster and so, but in the end I think it was already enough..

Experienceful day certainly. Now I have new friends again, one of them is totally Ms Dragster!


Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Blah! I'm gettin' a bit bored to travel all the time by train, always the same views! Today was one of the coolest days at Team Academy, we had a photo shooting for this future message that will be given to the prime minister of Finland. We, J n I, were kind of teenager bitches, rested towards a brick wall. I saw few of them and gotta say that they looked really good! I can't put any of them here yet, not before they are published.. Later. Anyway, it was a freaking beautiful day, like + 23 C and sunny - sooo summer!


In the afternoon I jumped to a train, headed to Helsinki this time. I arrived here somewhere around 8 pm and now I'm sitting on my friend's (L's) floor, chatting on facebook - surprise! It's almost 10 pm and the sun is still shining, I must admit - weird this Finland. Should go to sleep cause it's one the earliest mornings coming again, have to get up around 4 am, GOSH!

good night helsinki


Saturday, 23 May 2009


Wow, at least this weekend I had time to visit some other city in Finland. I realized that you don't always have to fly abroad, you can also have the time of your life pretty near home. Well, we arrived at Tampere yesterday morning, had a meeting for upcoming co-operation between proAkatemia and Tiimiakatemia. In the evening we stopped at New York, it's one good place to have dinner in this city. It was a really good choice, after my amazing raspberry rosca and tasteful pestopasta I was ready to conquer the night.

We started our tour at L's place, listening some freaking good lounge n chill house music first, enjoying special ciders. Music started to change more to beach house n club then, as we dressed up a little bit. The place to go was Onnela, our friend works at the door as a bouncer so we didn't have to line up or pay to get in. Cosmo, white russian, something (?!) with redbull, shots. L lost her phone, I broke my sunglasses accidently. Which led into a new innovation, glasses! God, I looked like a hottie Swedish fashion girl. Hah!

After 1 am I ran to another side of Tampere to meet my other friends. SAHA was seriously THE party place! I liked. Lots of exchange students, everyone having actually fun without extra-glamour. I danced over the heads, felt sooo good. Took CC (a cider and a cigarette) and headed back to rain. We stayed at the club till 3 am and walked home with McDoo-food.

My alarm clock started to ring at 9 am. I just wanted to throw it to the wall! Anyway, I didn't really have a choice - work was waiting. I took a shower, packed my stuff and walked to a park. Beautiful morning really, sun was shining and temperature was rising all the time. There was an event called 'Likkojen lenkki', A jogg of girls. I was delivering yofu (Alpro Soya) for the runners and walkers, over than 10 000 women! Wow how cool it was to see all these independent ladies having a good time!

us as alpro soya -girls

girl power

The day was gorgeous, it was actually really warm - somewhere around +20 C. I made new friends with my co-workers, had fun and got some money too. Happy but tired. Now, I will start looking for a train back home to Jyväskylä, THE city.



Monday, 11 May 2009

Some Milano..

Wow, what a trip once again! I don't believe it's all over, still thoughts in Italy.. Anyway, here's the news from DA MILANO.

2nd May

I work/study at Team Academy in central Finland, I am a part-owner at co-operative unelMania ( and there are 17 persons of us learning to be future's entrepreneurs. During the winter, we decided to travel to Milano, just for few days to team more and have fun.

So, on Saturday the 2nd of May we headed to Tampere by car. It was one of the hottest days of the spring, punch of us were lying on the grass outside of the airport before checking in. First beers, first laughs, first flight to Frankfurt. Food, drink, another flight and finally, ITALIA. We took a bus from Bergamo-airport to the centrum of Milano and finally all the lights started to shine. God Milano is beautiful at a night time!

Searching our hotel wasn't the easiest job, cause we had forgot to print a map. So I, as the only one speaking a bit of Italian, asked every single one some help to find the right direction. After one hour we finally saw the sign "HOTEL PIOLA". The owners didn't speak English a word, so all the communication was left on me. Sì, grazie. Prego. Buona notte! .. NOT!

As it was Saturday, the only party night during our stay, we headed to a cocktail bar the first. SKIPINTRO was close to our hotel, so we got in. I must say I felt home sipping an Italian cocktail, a lot of flavor in the drink and relaxing with good house music n friends. The bar closed 2 p.m. and wandering around the blocks began, fighting with 13 persons where to go next.


Some point, we decided to order taxis for us to leave and drive to Corso Como, one of the party places in Milano. I had never been there, though I've visited Milano many times. All the fashion was around us, models n party people. Our guys lost their nerves cause they couldn't get into any club without us girls while we were withdrawing some money for the night. We ended up in LOOLAPALOOSA, dancing and mingling till' 5 a.m. S and I were the last ones to leave from our group but some random way we were the first at the hotel. God, that was a night with drama!

3rd May

I woke up just before my alarm clock at 8:55. I tried to walk to the bathroom but I smashed at the door, didn't realize it wasn't open! I also fell down the bathroom floor as I was still a bit drunk. Breakfast, clothes on and ANDIAMO!

Walking down the street on a beautiful Sunday morning in Milano in May, Gosh that's something! Not too hot, not too cold, sun and summer. We stopped at a supermarket to buy some food and wine for afternoon's picnic. My hung-over hit me there; the way to the park for the picnic was a bit too long for me.

+ 25 C

The whole team gathered in Parco Fontanini to eat, drink, hang out, play football and enjoy the warm day together. The temperature rose above + 25 and the heat made finally everyone feel on holidays. The guys challenged Italians to play against them a football match. You can guess the result as the Finnish had been drinking the whole day and were also running with wine bottles.. Well, in the end result was 5-4, for Italians.

corso como

In the evening, we got back to the hotel just to dress up and leave for a dinner, to Corso Como once again. After one hour we had decided the place to eat and were sitting on a table waiting for the food. Minus three of us, they had gone to the bar next door. Blah, the second night was a boring one for me. I was way too tired to stay the whole night partying. The guys on the other hand took everything they could. T for example paid himself and two girls to a club, paid all of their drinks till' he didn't have any money anymore. He took a cab to our hotel to get some more money and drove back to Corso Como. Weak morning then the next one.

4th May

As me, I woke up without a hung-over. Thank God, cause I was about to meet with an old friend. Morning coffee, Italian ice cream and walking around the streets. In the afternoon, it started to rain few drops and I ran to the underground and took a metro back home.Also S had come back; she wasn't there in the morning yet when I left, had spent the night with a French business man.

The evening was all about Finland-Canada ice-hockey match, hanging at the hotel and waiting to see Ts Russian visitor. As the girls showed up, P and E were a bit pissed; they didn't get any girls, and P got also robbed earlier that day. After the episode, we went for a dinner to a restaurant close to us. And sleep at 2 a.m. At night happened also another episode, S, P n J came from the park and couldn't shut their mouths…

5th May

The day started effectively, an amazing breakfast at SILVER, at Loreto, and shopping day at Corso Buenos Aires. I bought one pair of yellow high heels, a dress, shorts, shorts and few shirts. Just when we were about die cause of the heat and tiredness, we found CINCINBAR. Mojito and hour-mai-tai helped me a lot to survive forward in the day. After aperitivo I went to buy another phone, for my new Italian number that I had gotten one day earlier.

cincinbar n my hour-mai-tai

Then it was a time for our last supper in Milano. It took many hours and we ate and drank properly. T passed out in the table as someone wrote "From Russia with love" in his arm. I was sailing from side to side when I left the gang and headed to take a metro to another side of the city. That happened at my favorite time, 23:23.

I arrived at Moscova area and continued my way with a good old friend, E. First stop was Macdough's, one-euro-shots. Second place was a cocktail bar owned by Chinese brothers. We ordered long island iced teas and walked around Corso Como just to see what was happening on Tuesday evening. After a little tour we took the second LIITs and sat on a bench in front of the clubs.

After a little discuss we decided to get in to THE CLUB. It was a freaking nice place, we got into one VIP-lounge and I climbed also on stage with dancers to dance for the audience by myself. Dancing, drinking, music, kisses and a fashionable night in Milano. After 4 p.m. I realized that I have less than an hour to get back to the hotel, pack all of my stuff and leave. So, I got a random drive by a DJ BRIAN and his BMW. I was on time and I was able to start the way back home.

6th May

I wasn't feeling very well the whole day, tried to sleep a bit there and there. I was happy to get back to Finland to sleep in my own bed, even though I felt a bit that I left my other home behind me while leaving Italia. Well, three more weeks and I'll be back.

some freezing in germany

Questa volta, ROMA! <3


This young lady that also writes this welcoming message here, travels abroad almost every month. Stay tuned, I'll let you know where I am.

Love, S