Today, I woke up a bit later than usually, after nine. Lightness came in to my room through the windows, wow what a feeling! For a second I felt like early morning in the summer. My dreams crashed when I stepped outside, hrrrr colder than ever! - 20 at least. Just like it's been for few weeks now.
When the weather's freezing, I tend to walk inside the shopping centers as much as possible on my way to somewhere. Normally, I go to work before 8am and no place is open yet. This morning I had the chance to walk in a warmer place for a minute cause the stores were open already. Helped a bit.
In the cold I met then a friend and of course I had to chat with him. So I freezed again, such a great plan! I found my way to work in the end, and here I still am - scared to death to go outside after the day. Ok, never hurt me before. And it's still beautiful around, look at the pic I just took.. Lots of lights, and the air is VC - Very Crisp. Luv.
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